Dear Reader,
I went to the hardware store on Tuesday. And if you're thinking, The hardware store? Edwina?? That's unlike her, she doesn't
seem like a handy home improvement kind of person. She seems more like a thoroughly impractical writer type person... Actually she seems like the kind of person who would end up with splinters by looking at a piece of wood and a trip to the hospital from driving a nail through her own thumb.
If you thought that you'd be correct. The splinter thing happened
in the middle of the store. (The nail through the thumb thing has not happened yet, but I sense its possibility every time I so much as glance at a hammer.)
Luckily, I will not be going near the nails anytime soon. Ms Melinda, my friend and voice of practicality, has forbidden my proximity to any kind of potentially person-harming tools.
But I am allowed to paint. And I am currently embroiled in a war of the paint samples. War is a slight exaggeration...but the indecision is real. Will share pics when a color is chosen and the room is painted!