Edwina Darke

A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Edwina Darke's books, special offers, and newsletter only freebies.

Blurb Reveal & Halloween Pics!

Published: Thu, 11/04/21

Dear Reader, You know how it gets around this time. The beginning of the year glides by in a slow lu urious haze. July arrives and there's the…

I saw Free Guy & I ❤️ it

Published: Thu, 10/28/21

Dear Reader, This week I want to share with you a rare and wonderful thing: a movie I e pected to hate and ended up completely loving. To understand…

Kitty goes to the vet & Audible NEWS 💖

Published: Thu, 10/21/21

Dear Reader, There was a scary moment at the beginning of this week and not the fun Halloween kind. One of my furry housemates caught a kitty cold.

🎃 The Halloween House Make Over 🎃

Published: Thu, 10/14/21

Dear Reader, This weekend broke me. I braved the crowds of Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Spirit Halloween and many different dollar stores in search of…

100+ Reviews & Counting 🎉

Published: Thu, 10/07/21

Dear Reader, Have you heard the news? (There's a pretty big clue in this newsletter's title.) Yes, that's right, The Not-So-Ugly Stepsister crossed…

The post-Birthday recap

Published: Fri, 10/01/21

Dear Reader, It is nose back to the grindstone time after last week's awesome birthday happenings. The Fiesta del Edwina is over for another year. But…

Happy Birthday to me 🎂

Published: Fri, 09/24/21

Dear Reader, I had a birthday on Tuesday. As it was one of those sad mid-week birthdays, proper celebration will take place this weekend. In case you…

Princes of Manhattan #3 Cover Reveal!

Published: Thu, 09/16/21

Dear Reader, I have e citing book news to share with you. Coming straight to you from the talented fingers of my cover designer the marvelous Ms…

I went on an adventure!

Published: Thu, 09/09/21

Dear Reader, It has been an e hausting week. Dragon Con felt a lot like going back to school... If I'd been over invested in all my subjects. If the…

Edwina & Ms Melinda's Excellent Adventures

Published: Thu, 09/02/21

Dear Reader, Today Ms. Melinda and I are off to Dragon Con. To those of you not in the know, Dragon Con is a multi-media, pop culture convention…

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